God created man and woman in His image to give each other support and companionship in a marriage covenant. However, marriage is under concerted attack by our surrounding culture both through devaluation of it via easy divorce, and through redefinition of the “one man- one woman” pattern that God outlined in scripture. Add to this the normal hardships of two sinners being joined together in matrimony and it is no wonder many marriages are doomed from the start.
While nothing can ever prepare a couple for every possible problem, Christian premarital counseling can help you think through many aspects of marriage so you will be equipped to deal with as many potential issues as possible once you say, “I do.”
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 300-4248
If you are preparing for marriage and need premarital counseling, call Carrollton Christian Counseling at (469) 333-6163 to schedule an initial risk-free appointment, or browse our online counselor directory to find a counselor who is the right fit for you.
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 300-4248